Ok.. not in
that sense, but HEY.. whatever works! Keep It Simple, Stupid. That's the route I'm taking. Back to the basics of food and fitness. If there's one thing I've learned in my journey, it's that you never really fail unless you completely give up. Sometimes it takes stepping back for a minute and putting things back in order, but that's not failing. In fact some of the most successful people in the world have had to take a step back.. take a break.. re-evaluate. This is a lifelong journey to become healthier and stay that way. It won't
ALWAYS be smooth sailing, because.. well.. that's life! So, now that I've taken my step back and am back into full fledged 'Revolution' mode.. I've decided to try and not overthink things too much. Keeping it simple. I've said it before, but the very basics of food and workout were once laid out for me so plain and simple so that I could understand it,
"Don't Eat $h!% and Move Your @$$"! So I am! And I'm LOVING it! I've got about 5 weeks worth of REGULAR, CONSISTENT and good "FAT BURNING" workouts under my belt and two and a half weeks of a new "wheat free" eating style I'm trying. Notice I say "eating style"? Why? Because I despise the word "DIET". BLEH! Who wants to be on a diet for the rest of their cotton pickin life??
I'm Not As Good As I Once Was
If you've ever made it to the gym for any amount of time, slacked off for even a couple of weeks, then try to pick up where you left off; you'll be able to sympathize with me. If you haven't gone to the gym ever and decided to do a workout class for the first time since you were in your teens.. you'll be able to sympathize with me. After I was able to get all of my ducks in a row, the first thing I did was call my trainer. I was feeling so sluggish and gross. Nothing has been fitting right, I lacked the energy I once had, and most importantly.. I was uncomfortable in my own skin. I was not feeling fantastic at all. So, I met with my trainer and guess what happened.
I sucked eggs. Workouts that I had been used to doing were kicking my butt! I know to get a good workout, I have to get to that stage where I am a little out of my comfort zone.. heavy breathing.. sweating. Not exactly a great feeling from being able to do these workouts to sucking wind like I'm dying! It was very humbling. No.. maybe humbling isn't the word.. more like EMBARASSING! I asked my trainer several times.. "I'm sucking huh?" He was nice enough to tell me that I was doing good. I'm glad.. I need that positive reinforcement. So after a couple of weeks of slugging through my workouts and still not feeling at the top of my game, I knew I still wasn't quite right. I made a very important step in making my way back to the workout arena and that was to get my but in gear and make it a habit again of going to the gym, but I still had some 'tweeking' to do.
No Wheat? NO WAY!
It's no secret that I've never been a fan of fad diets.
There's that damn word again. :-/ I've heard all about the Atkin's Diet, South Beach Diet, Low Carb this, Cheat Day that, etc, etc, etc. I am a working mom with two young kids. It really does not work for me to have these books that give me strict guidelines and planned meals that include ingredients like broccoli sprouts and kale. (Funny thing is.. broccoli sprouts and kale are actually pretty delicious foods! LOL!) Or recipes with 6984375984 different ingredients. My kids and I are still (and may always be) trying to find our groove. School has started full swing, in a few weeks I'm starting another Zumba camp; so I have to find things that work with our busy schedules. I am reading a book which talks about breaking away from processed foods and eating lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. Now.. I understand that any ol' dummy can write a health book.. or write a blog.............. -__-
But I am very interested in what the book "Wheat Belly" has to say. If you are interested in finding out all the ins and outs of the book please feel free to read it, but I'm going to stick to the basics here. It all comes back to eliminating as many processed foods in your diet as possible.. and more to the point, completely. It can be challenging, but I find that it's only challenging when I start to over think it. My diet.. stupid word.. these days consists of eggs, fresh veggies (broccoli, bell pepper, cauliflower, carrots, celery), fruits, nuts, chicken, fish, and turkey. Wow.. a new concept.. I know. o.O But believe it or not.. after all that I've read, researched, learned, I FORGOT! GAH! So.. here I am.. back to basics and using the KISS method! :) Thursday will mark the third week that I have eliminated all processed foods from my diet and have eaten only fresh fruits, veggies, and lean meats. I went through some changes, I may or may not have been a little grumpy in the first few days. :) But in this third week especially, I find that I don't crave the junk like I used to. When I was on "vacation", I constantly craved the crap! The more crap I ate.. the more I HAD to have it! Like a DRUG! I understand there are people in the world who have no problem eating "Raw" diets or Vegan Diets or Paleo Diets.. I always felt that wasn't for me. But here I am telling you that I am thoroughly enjoying my new eating style. It's like finding myself again! I have energy, I feel great, and I don't feel weighed down! I would recommend to anyone, even my own bestest good friend.. before you try a new "diet" I encourage you to read, read, read. Don't dive into something without first knowing the consequences and if this will even be healthy for YOU. Everyone is different.. your results will not be exactly the same as others.
I am so grateful for the encouragement from friends and family.. for those not ridiculing me for taking my vacation. I am proud to announce that I am 9 pounds lighter than I was two and a half weeks ago! I am back on board and I hope you are too! Until next time! ;)