Sep 24, 2012


Ok.. not in that sense, but HEY.. whatever works!  Keep It Simple, Stupid.  That's the route I'm taking.  Back to the basics of food and fitness.  If there's one thing I've learned in my journey, it's that you never really fail unless you completely give up.  Sometimes it takes stepping back for a minute and putting things back in order, but that's not failing.  In fact some of the most successful people in the world have had to take a step back.. take a break.. re-evaluate.  This is a lifelong journey to become healthier and stay that way.  It won't ALWAYS be smooth sailing, because.. well.. that's life!  So, now that I've taken my step back and am back into full fledged 'Revolution' mode.. I've decided to try and not overthink things too much.  Keeping it simple.  I've said it before, but the very basics of food and workout were once laid out for me so plain and simple so that I could understand it, "Don't Eat $h!% and Move Your @$$"!  So I am!  And I'm LOVING it!  I've got about 5 weeks worth of REGULAR, CONSISTENT and good "FAT BURNING" workouts under my belt and two and a half weeks of a new "wheat free" eating style I'm trying.  Notice I say "eating style"?  Why?  Because I despise the word "DIET". BLEH!  Who wants to be on a diet for the rest of their cotton pickin life??

I'm Not As Good As I Once Was
If you've ever made it to the gym for any amount of time, slacked off for even a couple of weeks, then try to pick up where you left off; you'll be able to sympathize with me.  If you haven't gone to the gym ever and decided to do a workout class for the first time since you were in your teens.. you'll be able to sympathize with me. After I was able to get all of my ducks in a row, the first thing I did was call my trainer.  I was feeling so sluggish and gross. Nothing has been fitting right, I lacked the energy I once had, and most importantly.. I was uncomfortable in my own skin.  I was not feeling fantastic at all. So, I met with my trainer and guess what happened. I sucked eggs. Workouts that I had been used to doing were kicking my butt!  I know to get a good workout, I have to get to that stage where I am a little out of my comfort zone.. heavy breathing.. sweating.  Not exactly a great feeling from being able to do these workouts to sucking wind like I'm dying! It was very humbling.  No.. maybe humbling isn't the word.. more like EMBARASSING!  I asked my trainer several times.. "I'm sucking huh?"  He was nice enough to tell me that I was doing good.  I'm glad.. I need that positive reinforcement.  So after a couple of weeks of slugging through my workouts and still not feeling at the top of my game, I knew I still wasn't quite right.  I made a very important step in making my way back to the workout arena and that was to get my but in gear and make it a habit again of going to the gym, but I still had some 'tweeking' to do.

No Wheat?  NO WAY!
 It's no secret that I've never been a fan of fad diets.  There's that damn word again. :-/  I've heard all about the Atkin's Diet, South Beach Diet, Low Carb this, Cheat Day that, etc, etc, etc. I am a working mom with two young kids.  It really does not work for me to have these books that give me strict guidelines and planned meals that include ingredients like broccoli sprouts and kale.  (Funny thing is.. broccoli sprouts and kale are actually pretty delicious foods! LOL!)  Or recipes with 6984375984 different ingredients.  My kids and I are still (and may always be) trying to find our groove.  School has started full swing, in a few weeks I'm starting another Zumba camp; so I have to find things that work with our busy schedules. I am reading a book which talks about breaking away from processed foods and eating lean meats, fruits, and vegetables.  Now.. I understand that any ol' dummy can write a health book.. or write a blog.............. -__-    But I am very interested in what the book "Wheat Belly" has to say.  If you are interested in finding out all the ins and outs of the book please feel free to read it, but I'm going to stick to the basics here.  It all comes back to eliminating as many processed foods in your diet as possible.. and more to the point, completely.  It can be challenging, but I find that it's only challenging when I start to over think it.  My diet.. stupid word.. these days consists of eggs, fresh veggies (broccoli, bell pepper, cauliflower, carrots, celery), fruits, nuts, chicken, fish, and turkey.  Wow.. a new concept.. I know. o.O  But believe it or not.. after all that I've read, researched, learned, I FORGOT! GAH!  So.. here I am.. back to basics and using the KISS method! :)  Thursday will mark the third week that I have eliminated all processed foods from my diet and have eaten only fresh fruits, veggies, and lean meats.  I went through some changes, I may or may not have been a little grumpy in the first few days. :)  But in this third week especially, I find that I don't crave the junk like I used to.  When I was on "vacation", I constantly craved the crap!  The more crap I ate.. the more I HAD to have it! Like a DRUG! I understand there are people in the world who have no problem eating "Raw" diets or Vegan Diets or Paleo Diets.. I always felt that wasn't for me.  But here I am telling you that I am thoroughly enjoying my new eating style.  It's like finding myself again!  I have energy, I feel great, and I don't feel weighed down! I would recommend to anyone, even my own bestest good friend.. before you try a new "diet" I encourage you to read, read, read.  Don't dive into something without first knowing the consequences and if this will even be healthy for YOU.  Everyone is different.. your results will not be exactly the same as others.

I am so grateful for the encouragement from friends and family.. for those not ridiculing me for taking my vacation.  I am proud to announce that I am 9 pounds lighter than I was two and a half weeks ago!  I am back on board and I hope you are too!  Until next time! ;)

Sep 11, 2012

They Call Me the Comeback Kid

Whew!  It sure is dusty around here!  A few cobwebs in the corners.. hmm.. I guess that's what happens when you take a little break! ;)  This blog has always been about one thing.. weight loss and my journey to achieve my weight loss/healthy lifestyle goal.  But today, I have to step out of those lines just slightly so that you can understand.  Two years ago, everything changed in my life.  Wow.. where did the time go?  It's been a while.. so pardon me while I find my groove.  'K.. back on track.  Two years ago, everything in my life changed.. then changed again.. then changed AGAIN.  I chased my dream of becoming, not only self employed, but self employed by doing something I became so passionate about.  I left my great, full time job to become a full time Personal Trainer and Zumba Instructor Extraordinaire!!! ((**JAZZ HANDS** ))  It has been a roller coaster and I will try to give you the Cliff's notes version and not the Lifetime Movie. :)

I had that much faith in myself, in what I was about, and in God that I could do this and that with a little hard work and budgeting, I would be successful.   In my last entry early this year, I touched on going through a divorce and trying to make a go at this new career as a single mom and sole provider.  I was depressed.. no matter how much I tried to deny it.. it was there. I tried desperately to put on a happy face, put on my big girl panties and go forth "as if".. as if everything would come out ok.  I truly believe positivity plays a big part in where we end up in life.  I had to stay positive for my kids, my business, and well for my own sanity.  So, in this journey of building my career and I continued to workout at the gym, I taught as many Zumba classes as I could fit into one week's time, I trained my clients, I researched, marketed, worried, prayed, cried, and prayed some more.  I not only was over working my body, but my mind and my spirit as well.. mix that with not getting proper nutrition.  I felt horrible 90% of the time.  I tried to shake things off, but that usually ended up with me beating myself up BECAUSE I felt awful.  I had hit complete exhaustion.  Mind, Body, and Soul.  My body was rebelling against me.. My workouts weren't as fruitful.. which made me feel less than.. which led to more bashing of myself.  I gained weight.. more bashing.  I was embarrassed.  In my attempts to market my studio, I put an advertisement on my windshield.. I constantly marketed my Zumba.. I was always "on".  Who knows.. maybe no one gave a rat's "batooty" about me, but in my mind everyone was watching me fall apart and gain weight.

A few months after my last blog entry, I had decided that I was going to give myself a break. That I wouldn't beat myself up if there was dust on my tennis shoes.  So what, if I didn't workout more than once that week because I was taking my kids on date night or karate or just needed a break from the hustle and bustle.  I had no interest in becoming obese and neglecting everything that I learned along the way.  I still worked out, just not quite as religiously.  I was still somewhat mindful of what I ate, but I didn't obsess over it.  I was on vacation.  I allowed myself some reprieve.  I didn't know when I was going to "come back from vacation".. but all I know is that I finally felt free.. it felt great to not beat myself up over every calorie that went into my mouth. Please understand though, I didn't feel as fantastic physically as I did when I ate well, but my spirit was free.  I had to do this for myself.  I had to stop beating myself up over everything in my life INCLUDING my eating habits and weight gain.  

I have been blessed enough to go back to the job I left in the same exact capacity..  as if I never left.  Only I did.. and my soul was better for it.  I was back in a routine with schedules laid out for me daily. This is good for me.  A few weeks ago I called my trainer (and friend) that I had always had and helped me through more than even he is probably aware of.  I feel like a baby learning how to walk.  I did NOT gain all of my weight back (THANK GOD), but it was enough to make a difference.  I was on vacation.. frolicking and not beating myself up.. but there came a point where I wasn't comfortable in my own skin.  THAT was the turning point to "come home".   I started out by getting my workouts going.. then turned on what I know (and then some) about my nutrition.  I have been eating very well and I am already feeling so good.  It's like detoxing.. Just have to get past the threshold then my body won't crave the crap.  I'm finally REALLY excited to be back on this journey.  I still train, teach zumba, and work full time.  I still find time to be with my kids.  I don't over commit myself.  I want desperately to get my body where it was 2 years ago and then some, but I've tried to stop putting the pressure on myself (and it's still a struggle.. old habits die hard).  I have some really great friends, family, and clients who've become friends.   I've gone on long enough and I will update you next week on my journey of this new eating style I'm trying.  It's great for your body, but it can get challenging! I may have stumbled, but I have not fallen.. and THAT's why they call me the Comeback Kid! BOOYAH!!  ;)

Feb 20, 2012

The Low Down, Dirty Truth

Yep.  Time to get real.  I began this blog a few years ago to tell of the ups and downs of my journey.  I was steamrolling my way through it quite nicely, too; until about a year and a half ago, that is.  I'd post every now and then about trying to motivate myself and what I had been doing to stay motivated even if it were in just two week increments.  I've had so many people telling me for quite sometime how inspiring and motivating I am.  I try so hard to believe that, but it's intimidating! LoL!  I put myself out there for people to keep a critical eye on me.. but I did it ALL for accountability to myself.  Do you know how scary it is to be "on stage" all the time?? So.. instead of ruining something that kept people motivated and inspired, I would avoid posting blogs so much (and yes, probably a little bit of fear of being judged. Since I'm being honest here) .  The truth is that since late 2010 I've had a lot more downs than ups regarding my journey.  So by avoiding, I lost my accountability to myself.  I was enjoying my new lifestyle so well and felt SO passionately about it that in November 2010 I decided to quit my full time job and become a personal trainer.  A decision I do NOT regret and profession that I DEARLY love doing!  Just two short weeks later, I separated from my husband.  I will spare you details of my divorce and the struggles of being a single mom and trying to make a go of my new career.  That's not what this blog is about.. this blog is and always has been about my weight loss journey.  As you can imagine, there are many emotional ups and down of divorce alone.. add the pressure of being the sole provider for your family to that.. well.. you can see where I'm going here.  I admitted LONG ago that I'm an emotional eater.  These are all the perfect ingredients for weight gain and loss of motivation.

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."

Before you start having visions of me laying on the couch with a gallon of ice cream and an economy size bag of Doritos each night or running through fast food drive thru's every chance I got..  I AM proud to share with you that I did NOT give up on my fight.  I taught Zumba, on average, 3 times a week and worked out with my own trainer a couple times a week.  I would still start out every week with the INTENTIONS of making great choices each and every day, only to find myself giving in to temptations or cravings.. telling myself.. "just one last time of chocolate before I (fill in the blank)" or my all time favorite "I haven't had (fill in the blank) in SOOOO LONG!"  Well.. with all that working out you'd THINK I'd still lose or even maintain.  Think again.  It's a known fact that exercise is only 10% of fat loss.. that leaves the other 90% to nutrition.  Over the last 17ish months I have gone up 2 pant sizes.  There are two big things I want to point out here.  First..Vanity..   I am no longer happy in my own skin.  Although I'd never in my life wore a bikini nor felt the need to.. I was very happy where I was and felt comfortable putting on a swim suit without wearing a tent over it.  I felt great wearing shorts that weren't to my knees with tank tops.  While it's not the end of the world and I haven't gone back to where I began.. I am not comfortable with me.  THAT is what's important.  Not what magazines or society thinks I should be like.. but what I WANT for myself.   Second.. Health.. I do NOT feel as good as I did before. When I was eating good 95% of the time I felt GREAT!  I had energy.  I felt clean inside.  I thought clearly.  These days I feel dragged down, unmotivated, and lethargic.  I think Kate Moss once said "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".. well my friends.. that poor little toothpick has it all wrong.  Nothing tastes as good as being HEALTHY feels!

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"

So.. instead of making promises or trying to give tips to keep myself motivated, I'm just going to get real again.  We are coming up on Lent to which I have decided to give up alcohol.  I am a social drinker and I have been trying to socialize a lot lately. It just comes with the 'trying to find a life' territory, but it has, no doubt, contributed to my weight gain.  I am also giving up chocolate for Lenten.  I miiiight be a chocoholic. ;)  And yes.. I do love the taste of it, but it does give me a "feel good" feeling.. an indulgence that makes me feel like I'm giving myself a special savory treat.  I don't feel this way about lemon cake or sugar cookies.. just chocolate. LOL!  Sick!  I know!  This isn't really about giving it up for fat loss as much as giving up something that I've sort of leaned on for comfort with hopefully the benefits of fat loss and also gaining the spiritual and physical cleansing that I NEED!

Anyway.. it's back to baby steps!  I am so grateful to have had the last year or so to recover emotionally, but I feel as if I've revert back a year physically.  I'm not making promises I can't keep.. just starting over. Anyone who wants to join me.. PLEASE.. SAY SO! My first goal is to be accountable.  My goal is to blog every month as I did beginning.. and maybe MORE!! (But no promises on the "more" statement! lol!) Thank you ALL for the encouragement I've had since the beginning of my journey.  I hope to continue to inspire and motivate you all to not give up on your fight, no matter what little battles you might lose.

Sep 12, 2011

How Tina Got her Groove Back

In case you haven't noticed.. I've been on hiatus for the past few months. This year has been a year of BIG changes in my life.  I've sat down to update my blog a couple of times, but just couldn't.  I wasn't feeling very inspired.  I haven't felt myself in a really long time.  Today, I am inspired and I am happy to report that through some of these huge curve balls and life changes that have come my way, I have maintained my weight! YAY!  Considering I'm an emotional eater, I'd say that's pretty good.  To be honest it's been almost a year since I've seen any real results on the scale, however I have seen changes in my physique and clothing size.  I am beginning to feel like me again.  I'm inspired, excited, and have set some goals for myself.  I'm in a much better place than I was a year ago.  Did I just say a YEAR?!?!?!  My MY how time flies!!  But have no fear.. I found my groove again.  I feel it deep down in my soul! ;-)

You are What You EAT
How many times have we heard this saying?  With emotions running amuck (who says "amuck"?) and trying to be Super Mom all at the same time, my eating habits started slipping here and there and before I knew it most days out of the week I'd have at least ONE crappy meal or "snack".  I'm not proud of it and honestly HATE telling you about it.  But I'm real.  It happens.  No one is perfect.  We all have our moments or seasons.  I'm just very grateful for some very wonderful people in my life.  I have been able to lean on them instead of food.  Junk food makes me feel guilty, nasty, jiggly, lazy, tired, like a slob.  The people who have recently come into my life not only have been there for me to lean on, but we share an interest in healthy living.  It reminded me of who I am.. it brought me back to what I know makes me feel good in every way.  I've found my confidence again.  I'm not hiding in my kitchen eating the very crap that I wouldn't feed my children.  I feel WONDERFUL!  It didn't take 6 weeks of eating rice cakes and bean sprouts to make me feel energized and alert again.  It took like 1 stinkin DAY!  Heatlhy eating and drinking plenty of water makes you almost euphoric.  It gives me a clear mind, wonderful energy, and peace.  Is it all these special foods that provide it?  Maybe yes.. maybe no.  But what I do know is that by making choices that I know are good for me, I not only have the energy to get a GREAT workout.. but I don't have the guilt, and the lazy, and the bloated feelings.  I feel light on my feet.  Like a butterfly! Watch out Mike Tyson! ;-)

I Like to Move It MOVE IT!
One thing that never changed was my physical activity.  I'm still teaching Zumba three times a week and I still go to my trainer.  The difference is, my workouts weren't near as productive because of what I was eating.  Sure.. I was going through the motions and it wasn't awful.  But I didn't get those wonderful cleansing workouts because my body was lacking the energy to do any real output.  I can completely tell a difference in myself during my Zumba classes and my independent workouts.  My mind is "with it" and I don't feel like I weigh a TON while doing it!  Nutrition is 90% of fat loss.  Let me just say that again.  NUTRITION IS 90% OF FAT LOSS. Why??  Because it's not just something you fill your belly with so that you don't die.. it's FUEL!  It fuels your mind and your body! Without that.. why even put forth the effort to exercise?  You're not going to get what you need out of it. A very wise man told me "Don't eat $h!t and move your @$$".. the more I learn the more I understand just how equally important those two things are.. one feeds the other. 

A new challenge has been presented to me and it is one that I'm very excited to take.  I have until Christmas to lose another 15 pounds.  I'm pretty flippin excited about this!  It really got my motor running!  I may not be 100%.. but I'm bringing my "A" game and baby I'm AAAAAALMOST there. ;-)  Who's ready to challenge themselves????  GAME ON!

May 30, 2011

I Once Was Lost, But Now I'm Found

Have you ever gotten so consumed in something or someone that you sort of lose yourself?  Forget what it was that made you really happy and feel good? I'm pretty sure most of the population is guilty of that at one time or another. If you've been keeping up with my blog then you already know that I took a running LEAP of Faith and completely changed my career from a 8-5, desk sitting, pencil pushing momma to Zumba Queen and Personal Trainer Extraordinaire! When I made up my mind that I wanted to change my career I was so excited to teach people what I had learned!  I felt so wonderful, found a way to work out my stresses, become healthy,  and have a balance of healthy mind, body, and soul.  Once I became a Licensed Zumba Instructor, I started reaching far and wide so that I could really make a go at making a living doing what I love doing.  Same thing when I became Certified as a Personal trainer.  I spent so much time trying to get things moving and getting my name out there that I didn't have much time left for my children.  I was wrapped up in pleasing this group or that group or this person, that I was seriously wearing myself out.  I'd wake up at crazy hours of the morning to work and had to have others hustle my kids to their activities so that I could work until at LEAST 9pm at night. I'd get my kids just in time to bathe them and send them to bed.  I LOVE Zumba, but it's not MY workout.  I have a WONDERFUL time with the people that take from me.. but it's not what really turns me on and works out my stresses.  I love a good independent all out, hard breathing, challenging, meditative workout.  I do some of my best thinking and have some of the best conversations with God during those times.  I have been missing that for some time now.  I've been too exhausted with teaching anywhere from 5 to 8 Zumba classes a week to get my own workout in. After recently taking another certification class, I realized that I completely lost my balance. I was so concerned with hurting someones feelings or putting them in a tight spot that I'd neglected the three people that mean the most to me.. my two children and MYSELF!  I've said before.. if you don't take care of yourself.. who will?  I mean, if I'm exhausted and running on empty, then how in the heck can I lead by example and teach, not only my children, but my clients a healthy lifestyle.  So.. I'm THRILLED to report that I've made some recent changes and I'm well on my way to getting my balance back! ;)

My Kids Have Too Many Happy Meal Toys
After I'd made up my mind that I needed to get my balance back and not over commit myself, especially while building up my new business, I'd come across FOUR Happy Meal toys in my daughter's bag.  That's when it REALLY hit me.  Over the last 5 or 6 months, my children had spent just about every weeknight at a sitter's house or in a play area while I worked.  This meant that either others were enjoying my children's company at dinner or we were pulling through a drive thru on our way home.  By the time I'd get home from work it would be too late to cook or warm something.  Now, don't get my wrong..  I don't believe that my children have been abused, neglected or traumatized because they were at someones house or eating McDonald's.. but the point is.. this time last year, I was teaching them healthy habits.  They were choosing the healthy over the junk most of the time and now here I am shoving it in their face with no other option.  I'm not teaching them the very habit that I'm trying to teach my clients.  So when I saw these Happy Meal toys tucked away in my daughter's purse, I realized that I had to get my balance back for my entire family.  After this week, school and other extra activities will be winding down for all of us.  I will now be able to make healthy nutritious meals for my children and be able to spend some time with them AND work.  I just had to put me first and then work my schedule around that.  Make sense? 

Funny This Is..
I have been trying to make the healthier choices and sometimes when things get crazy and I’m running from one thing to another, the healthier choices are not all that healthy.  I’ve tried to plan out some good snacks and quick meals so that I can get my nutrition in check while working with such a crazy schedule.  In my infinite search for different meals, meal ideas, and my overall thirst for helping people plan out some easy , practical meals for themselves and their families.. I bought a few very good books for research. I have maintained the same weight and clothing size for several months now (THANK GOD), but I haven’t lost anything significant as far as total weight goes.  It’s well known that I’d like to lose a little more or drop another size or two.  While I was putting together some sample menus and meal ideas for some clients, I evaluated my own “diet” and I realized that I was off balance there too!  I wasn’t taking in enough calories on a regular basis and then on some days I’d take in TOO MANY calories.  I changed my activity drastically, but not my eating habits.. or even sometimes fell back into a bad habit or two.    There are four points to a balanced life.. Physically. Mentally.  Emotionally.  Spiritually.  Though I may have wobbled a little.. I am placing one foot in front of the other on this tight rope and moving forward with ease.  I am so thankful for my family and friends for helping me out and supporting my dream.  I’d like to thank the “village” for helping me with my kids and those of you who helped me keep my balance no matter how wobbly!

On that note.. take some time out for you today.  What will it take for you to find your balance? ;)

Apr 5, 2011

I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma. ~Eartha Kitt

Boy of BOY!  I'm surely loving the time change and longer days!  I love that the sun goes down later in the evenings giving us plenty of time of daylight to enjoy!  For some reason, the spring and summer reminds me of my childhood days.  Playing in the pool with friends, cut off shorts, bare feet, walking the neighborhood roads popping the tar balls with our toes, picking honeysuckle off the vine, laying out in the grass basking in the sunshine with not a single worry in the world.   Aaahhh.. the good ol' days.  My children are around the same age as I was when I  was enjoying all of these times.  I want my kids to experience the same things.. not always video games and tv.  More importantly.. I want to experience it all over again with them!  Three years ago I never would've had the energy to go out and do these things with the kids.  Now I'm bouncing with energy and can't WAIT to take little mini vacations to the camp and the beach!  Last month I ran an AWESOME 5K obstacle course called the Warrior Dash with a friend of mine.  It was something neither one of us had done before, but what a GREAT feeling it was!!  No we didn't lead the pack, but it was a great sense of accomplishment and a LOT of fun!  I'm not QUITE were I want to be as far as my weight goes, but I keep getting a little closer to the mark!  Before I wasn't comfortable in my own skin to get out and run around with the kids, but now I'm like a whole different person.. one who is surely enjoying life.  I just had to take control of myself and stop letting other things control me.

"Willpower is not some mythical force that we either have or don't have. Willpower is our decision to use higher-mind thinking instead of lazing around in the clutches of our primal mind."~A.B. CURTISS

This is a Battle of Wills
I knew I had a challenge on my hands when I started spending more time at home.  My office is currently in my kitchen.  It's the only place that is open enough for me to work and have my computer set up.  Long ago I broke the habit of buying junk food and keeping it in the house.  I've said it time and time again.. if someone in my household wants junk food, then they can go to the store and buy the single serving of cookies or candy or whatever suits  their fancy.  I plan the meals, I do the grocery shopping, I am fighting a life long battle of bad eating, therefore, I get a say so of what foods come in my home.  So.. what is my problem you ask?  LOL!  Well.. lemme tell YOU.  I can find a 'loop hole' in everything.  You can't possibly overeat fruits and vegetables.. nah.. that's not my problem.  My problem is grabbing a handful of almonds, popping a bag of popcorn or just mindless munching even on the good stuff when it's not 'time' to eat.  If I know I'm going to be working out of the house I'll grab my snack needed for snack time and head out.. but what about those times where I'm spending a few hours working at the house on my advertising, planning workouts, or researching something?  When I'm deep in thought or contemplating something I feel the need to 'crunch'!  Does anyone else have that urge?  I sometimes find myself getting up from my desk to stretch my legs or get my creative juices flowing and I wander over to the cabinet!  Old habits die hard I guess! GAH!  It really seems silly when I think about it.  There will always be new obstacles to overcome.  This is a life long journey.  To overcome this mindless eating that I so easily fall into, I've decided to be a little dramatic.  Imagine that. -_-  I tend to go all out on things if you haven't noticed. For instance, this very blog.  I began blogging because I needed to be accountable to someone other than myself or my family.  I needed to be accountable to people who wouldn't just let me sweep it under the rug.  So my solution to this problem is to pack my lunch.  Yep.. simple as that.  Just as before when I'd get ready for my work day, I'd pack my lunch bag full of snacks and lunch for the entire day.  I went to work and only had what I packed.  So this morning, I started that routine all over again.  I packed my lunch with my snacks and headed out to my first appointment this morning.  Sure, I had lunch at home, but I already knew EXACTLY what I was having because all I had to do was pull it out of my lunch kit. :D  My home office is still in my kitchen, and yeah.. I felt a tiny bit silly pulling out my lunch from my lunch kit in my own kitchen.. but who cares.  It's for the greater good. lol!  Soon my office won't be in my kitchen tho!  So it all really makes sense you see. ;)

Courage doesn't always roar.  Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow." - Mary Anne Radmacher

Time FLIES When You're Having Fun!
Where does the time go?  It seems like just yesterday we were talking about New Year's Resolutions and new beginnings.  Now we're in the middle of spring!  Little League Baseball and Softball is in full swing, fairs and festivals are in town and the days are getting longer.  Let's do some calculations.. If beginning January 1st someone started their lifestyle change by making better choices and being more active 2-3 times a week.. it's possible to lose 2 pounds per week.  By now more than 25 pounds would be lost! Wow!  It really puts things into perspective doesn't it!  With 25 pounds gone, you fit a little better in the rides at the fair, sit a little more comfortably in the seats at the movies, and have the energy to frolic in the glorious sunshine!  So.. now here's the question.. When does your new beginning start? ;)

Mar 10, 2011

Let the Sun Shine Down on Me

Spring is in the air and the days are starting to look brighter and brighter!  Sunshine just gives me such energy!  On beautiful days, such a this, I want to be running around the park, roller skating in the school parking lot, jumping on the trampoline.. SOMETHING!  I wasn't always this way, but it seems like with every passing season since I first began this journey, I find more and more exciting things in life!  The more comfortable I become in my own skin the more things I want to do.  Things I've never tried before.  Now it's time to put those things into action.. no more cheap talk.. it's time to conquer the world!!!  Or at least just my bucket list. =)  One thing that I inherited from my dad was tenacity.. that and the inability to carry a tune in a 10 gallon bucket.. but moving on.  When I feel strongly about something as I do with my workouts and lifestyle change.. I grab the bull by the horns.  A good friend once told me that there are two things that motivate people.. fear and desire.  I have no fear. ;) 

All Eyes on Me
Since I changed my career, I have told the story of my journey over and over.  I've used it in advertising my services.. which could be the very way you found my blog!  There is a method to the madness here.. not only does it do a good job at advertising where I've been and how I might be able to help people.. but more importantly.. it KEEPS me accountable.  There are more people who know my story now more than ever!  My before pictures are out there..  They've seen where I've come from.. I know where I came from.  I can't ever forget that.  I'd love to tell you that once you lose weight and eat healthy that all those cravings and temptations just vanish.. but unfortunately they don't!  It is much like a drug addict.. it's always there.  Sure.. I feel WAY better when I eat healthy versus eating junk.. but sometimes my cravings and temptations get the better of me!  I can't stand to walk past the cookie place in the mall because I smell all of that sugary goodness!  Now.. I KNOW that if I eat one of those cookies I'll feel so funky.. but it's the smell that draws me in.  So.. if you see me in the mall and it looks like I'm holding my breath.. it's because I am!  I just keep my head down, hold my breath, and walk right on past! It's my tactic! LoL!
With my life getting off of a regular 'work' schedule, there is more of a risk than ever before!  I was used to bringing just what I needed to work and eating only that.  There were no temptations because I packed only the healthy things.  Now that I am out and about most of the day, or doing work in my home.. it is easier to fall back into old habits if I'm not careful.  How do I overcome that??  Well.. I'll tell you how.. I continue to plan.  I take my snacks with me in my gym bag, I keep healthy things on hand, I plan for everything that goes into my mouth so that I'm not eating on the fly or starving before the end of the day!  It has been years since I gave up something for lent.. so this year I decided to give up my beloved sweets.  No chocolate, no candy, no cake, no pastries, no cookies, no ice cream, etc.. etc.. etc..  If I'm craving something sweet it will have to be something more natural, like fruit or yogurt.  I did this because it is a vice.. it's my weak spot.. it's the guilty pleasure that starts small and gets out of control.  I'm letting all of that go and the outcome will be GREAT!  We don't have to have a season to start something, but I found the perfect opportunity to take care of another facet of my journey.

Just about this time last year I was running everyday and training for the Gusher 5K.  This was a challenge for me.  I had never run ANYWHERE before!  Not even to the mailbox! This was something a friend had challenged me to do and I'm so glad she did!  Not only is it something I can cross off of my list, but it really opened the door for me.  I never thought I had the confidence to do something like that.  I mean.. to RUN a 5k?  I never in my wildest dreams believed that I'd be running in a race.  Now don't get me wrong.. I wasn't there to cross the finish line first. I wasn't competing against other people.. You see, I was competing against myself.  I was competing against the mindset that "I could never do that".. against the "I'm just the fat girl who can't run".. against the "You'll look like a fool if you get out there with all those 'athletic' people".  Guess what?!  I WON!  I won the battle in my mind!  I finished that race.. I ran start to finish.. in my own personal best time. It was a wonderful feeling.. a true 'High'.  There is nothing like it.  Since then I have only run one more 5k and yes, it was AWESOME!  Pretty great feeling, I'll tell you!  This year I signed up for a Warrior Dash and will be running that next weekend.  A Warrior Dash is a fun 5k run/obstacle course.  I know it seems a little crazy, but again.. stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something I've never done before.  This is a great thrill for me!  Wanna know what else excites me??  My kids will be there watching!  Yes.. I am leading by example, be healthy, be active, follow your dreams.  It may sound so cliche, but I am living proof.  Sometimes, you just have to walk on Faith.. step out onto what you feel deep down in your soul.  Wish me luck!  This Warrior Dash won't be easy.. and I may look a little silly at the end, but I'm betting you won't be able to capture the feeling of accomplishment! ;)

I hope you all enjoyed this blog.. I've enjoyed writing it.  New and exciting things seem to be happening EVERYDAY!  Don't let life pass you by.. get out there and dance in the sunshine!