Spring is in the air and the days are starting to look brighter and brighter! Sunshine just gives me such energy! On beautiful days, such a this, I want to be running around the park, roller skating in the school parking lot, jumping on the trampoline.. SOMETHING! I wasn't always this way, but it seems like with every passing season since I first began this journey, I find more and more exciting things in life! The more comfortable I become in my own skin the more things I want to do. Things I've never tried before. Now it's time to put those things into action.. no more cheap talk.. it's time to conquer the world!!! Or at least just my bucket list. =) One thing that I inherited from my dad was tenacity.. that and the inability to carry a tune in a 10 gallon bucket.. but moving on. When I feel strongly about something as I do with my workouts and lifestyle change.. I grab the bull by the horns. A good friend once told me that there are two things that motivate people.. fear and desire. I have no fear. ;)
All Eyes on Me
Since I changed my career, I have told the story of my journey over and over. I've used it in advertising my services.. which could be the very way you found my blog! There is a method to the madness here.. not only does it do a good job at advertising where I've been and how I might be able to help people.. but more importantly.. it KEEPS me accountable. There are more people who know my story now more than ever! My before pictures are out there.. They've seen where I've come from.. I know where I came from. I can't ever forget that. I'd love to tell you that once you lose weight and eat healthy that all those cravings and temptations just vanish.. but unfortunately they don't! It is much like a drug addict.. it's always there. Sure.. I feel WAY better when I eat healthy versus eating junk.. but sometimes my cravings and temptations get the better of me! I can't stand to walk past the cookie place in the mall because I smell all of that sugary goodness! Now.. I KNOW that if I eat one of those cookies I'll feel so funky.. but it's the smell that draws me in. So.. if you see me in the mall and it looks like I'm holding my breath.. it's because I am! I just keep my head down, hold my breath, and walk right on past! It's my tactic! LoL!
With my life getting off of a regular 'work' schedule, there is more of a risk than ever before! I was used to bringing just what I needed to work and eating only that. There were no temptations because I packed only the healthy things. Now that I am out and about most of the day, or doing work in my home.. it is easier to fall back into old habits if I'm not careful. How do I overcome that?? Well.. I'll tell you how.. I continue to plan. I take my snacks with me in my gym bag, I keep healthy things on hand, I plan for everything that goes into my mouth so that I'm not eating on the fly or starving before the end of the day! It has been years since I gave up something for lent.. so this year I decided to give up my beloved sweets. No chocolate, no candy, no cake, no pastries, no cookies, no ice cream, etc.. etc.. etc.. If I'm craving something sweet it will have to be something more natural, like fruit or yogurt. I did this because it is a vice.. it's my weak spot.. it's the guilty pleasure that starts small and gets out of control. I'm letting all of that go and the outcome will be GREAT! We don't have to have a season to start something, but I found the perfect opportunity to take care of another facet of my journey.
Just about this time last year I was running everyday and training for the Gusher 5K. This was a challenge for me. I had never run ANYWHERE before! Not even to the mailbox! This was something a friend had challenged me to do and I'm so glad she did! Not only is it something I can cross off of my list, but it really opened the door for me. I never thought I had the confidence to do something like that. I mean.. to RUN a 5k? I never in my wildest dreams believed that I'd be running in a race. Now don't get me wrong.. I wasn't there to cross the finish line first. I wasn't competing against other people.. You see, I was competing against myself. I was competing against the mindset that "I could never do that".. against the "I'm just the fat girl who can't run".. against the "You'll look like a fool if you get out there with all those 'athletic' people". Guess what?! I WON! I won the battle in my mind! I finished that race.. I ran start to finish.. in my own personal best time. It was a wonderful feeling.. a true 'High'. There is nothing like it. Since then I have only run one more 5k and yes, it was AWESOME! Pretty great feeling, I'll tell you! This year I signed up for a Warrior Dash and will be running that next weekend. A Warrior Dash is a fun 5k run/obstacle course. I know it seems a little crazy, but again.. stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something I've never done before. This is a great thrill for me! Wanna know what else excites me?? My kids will be there watching! Yes.. I am leading by example, be healthy, be active, follow your dreams. It may sound so cliche, but I am living proof. Sometimes, you just have to walk on Faith.. step out onto what you feel deep down in your soul. Wish me luck! This Warrior Dash won't be easy.. and I may look a little silly at the end, but I'm betting you won't be able to capture the feeling of accomplishment! ;)
I hope you all enjoyed this blog.. I've enjoyed writing it. New and exciting things seem to be happening EVERYDAY! Don't let life pass you by.. get out there and dance in the sunshine!
Great job, Tina! And good luck on the WarriorDash! We'll be cheering you on!! : )
ReplyDeleteThanks Marci! I'm so excited! :D