Well.. let's see.. I planned our camping trip for 3 weeks. I made list upon list to make sure we didn't leave out ANYTHING! I made meal plans in advance so that I could stay on track. I packed bug spray, bathing suits, PERFECT meals, first aid kit, coffee pot, YOU NAME IT! I would've packed the damn kitchen sink if I could've fit ONE MORE THING in that truck! Unfortunately, our vacation was ruined by the rain.. we made it to the campgrounds in the pouring rain and decided to stay in a hotel instead. We woke up this morning hoping for better weather only to find out that the clouds were only circling over us and that it will rain all weekend. We loaded the truck back up and and headed home. I am down, depressed, aggravated, grumpy.. I was SO needing and looking forward to some time away and playing in the sunshine. We are here at home.. my junk food junkie is DYING to come out. This is another one of my weaknesses.. EMOTIONAL EATING. BLEH! I was so well prepared for the camp and had all my meals laid out. I was set up for total success, but things don't always turn out the way we plan, right? All I want to do (and frankly.. have been doing all morning) is sit here and whine. I have caught myself so many times going into the kitchen to find stuff to graze on. Luckily, I come to my senses and have stuck to fruit and almonds. But even then, I have to consciously walk away from it. My husband is on HIGH ALERT and knows that I'm wanting to feed off the trash. I told him to ask me where I was going every time I walked into the kitchen. It's a thing we do! ATTENTION: He does this out of TOTAL support. He knows how hard I've worked and knows that if I were in my right mind I wouldn't want to throw it all away! LOL! While sitting at my computer cancelling the reservations for the remaining nights at the camp, it occurred to me that I should blog about it. I don't have any interest in eating healthy at this very moment.. in fact quite the opposite. Those Star Crunch and Dorito's are looking MIIIIIIGHTY appetizing right now. LOL! I know if I talk it out and tell myself that it WILL NOT make me feel better that I can regain my focus. TRYING. REALLY. HARD. :D Believe it or not.. I'm already feeling better! As I am typing this, my husband asks why I am blogging.. he doesn't understand this emotional eating. AZZ. My daughter overhears this conversation and she asked me about emotional eating. I told her that it was something that makes about as much sense as putting on mascara just because you're watching a baseball game. The two don't go hand in hand and make no sense at all. She gets it.. let's hope she's more like her daddy in that department!
Turning it Around
I will put on my game face. This isn't the vacation that I had hoped for, but I have to it for my own sanity! I will put my big girl panties on and deal with it. I will continue with the healthy meals and snacks I had planned. I will continue to be active by jumping on the elliptical in a bit.. also a GREAT stress reliever! ;) The rain should be cleared up by tomorrow, we are making plans to take the kids to the beach. I am going to try my very best to be flexible so that if things don't workout to my expectations then I can just roll with the punches. I AM going to make the best out of this! There is no sense in whining about it and hurting myself or sabotaging my diet.
Life's Not Always a Bowl of Beautiful Fresh Red Cherries
I could sit here and whine for the rest of the weekend about how things didn't go my way. I could quietly eat my junk while no one's looking and tell you all what an awesome job I did, but that would just be lying. Right? I can lie to you.. but I can't lie to myself. The truth is.. I'm sure I'm not the only one that goes through these struggles. And I may go through this type of thing for the rest of my life. What I have learned is that binging on junk food will not make my weekend ANY better.. not one single bit. I'll bet that it won't even taste as good as I think it will.. but I'd probably finish the bag of cookies or chips anyway. At the end of it all I will be upset with myself for losing control. I WILL win this war. This isn't just about losing 100+ pounds. This is about so much more! This is about being 100% healthy even when I don't want to. Sure.. we can all have our splurges on special days, but why "splurge" on the crappy one's too? This is the new me and I will overcome it and not give into my temptations!
Writing this blog at this very moment has helped me tremendously. It has put my focus back where it needs to be. I know that I have to be accountable for my actions. Those of you who read my blogs and ask for information or just how I am doing is what drives me! Thanks for 'listening' to me spill my guts. It helps more than you could imagine! Soooo.. here's to a great weekend! Good luck to you all this weekend with your own battles!
I needed that too!! <>
sweety - this just shows what a strong woman you are. Love Ya