May 30, 2011

I Once Was Lost, But Now I'm Found

Have you ever gotten so consumed in something or someone that you sort of lose yourself?  Forget what it was that made you really happy and feel good? I'm pretty sure most of the population is guilty of that at one time or another. If you've been keeping up with my blog then you already know that I took a running LEAP of Faith and completely changed my career from a 8-5, desk sitting, pencil pushing momma to Zumba Queen and Personal Trainer Extraordinaire! When I made up my mind that I wanted to change my career I was so excited to teach people what I had learned!  I felt so wonderful, found a way to work out my stresses, become healthy,  and have a balance of healthy mind, body, and soul.  Once I became a Licensed Zumba Instructor, I started reaching far and wide so that I could really make a go at making a living doing what I love doing.  Same thing when I became Certified as a Personal trainer.  I spent so much time trying to get things moving and getting my name out there that I didn't have much time left for my children.  I was wrapped up in pleasing this group or that group or this person, that I was seriously wearing myself out.  I'd wake up at crazy hours of the morning to work and had to have others hustle my kids to their activities so that I could work until at LEAST 9pm at night. I'd get my kids just in time to bathe them and send them to bed.  I LOVE Zumba, but it's not MY workout.  I have a WONDERFUL time with the people that take from me.. but it's not what really turns me on and works out my stresses.  I love a good independent all out, hard breathing, challenging, meditative workout.  I do some of my best thinking and have some of the best conversations with God during those times.  I have been missing that for some time now.  I've been too exhausted with teaching anywhere from 5 to 8 Zumba classes a week to get my own workout in. After recently taking another certification class, I realized that I completely lost my balance. I was so concerned with hurting someones feelings or putting them in a tight spot that I'd neglected the three people that mean the most to me.. my two children and MYSELF!  I've said before.. if you don't take care of yourself.. who will?  I mean, if I'm exhausted and running on empty, then how in the heck can I lead by example and teach, not only my children, but my clients a healthy lifestyle.  So.. I'm THRILLED to report that I've made some recent changes and I'm well on my way to getting my balance back! ;)

My Kids Have Too Many Happy Meal Toys
After I'd made up my mind that I needed to get my balance back and not over commit myself, especially while building up my new business, I'd come across FOUR Happy Meal toys in my daughter's bag.  That's when it REALLY hit me.  Over the last 5 or 6 months, my children had spent just about every weeknight at a sitter's house or in a play area while I worked.  This meant that either others were enjoying my children's company at dinner or we were pulling through a drive thru on our way home.  By the time I'd get home from work it would be too late to cook or warm something.  Now, don't get my wrong..  I don't believe that my children have been abused, neglected or traumatized because they were at someones house or eating McDonald's.. but the point is.. this time last year, I was teaching them healthy habits.  They were choosing the healthy over the junk most of the time and now here I am shoving it in their face with no other option.  I'm not teaching them the very habit that I'm trying to teach my clients.  So when I saw these Happy Meal toys tucked away in my daughter's purse, I realized that I had to get my balance back for my entire family.  After this week, school and other extra activities will be winding down for all of us.  I will now be able to make healthy nutritious meals for my children and be able to spend some time with them AND work.  I just had to put me first and then work my schedule around that.  Make sense? 

Funny This Is..
I have been trying to make the healthier choices and sometimes when things get crazy and I’m running from one thing to another, the healthier choices are not all that healthy.  I’ve tried to plan out some good snacks and quick meals so that I can get my nutrition in check while working with such a crazy schedule.  In my infinite search for different meals, meal ideas, and my overall thirst for helping people plan out some easy , practical meals for themselves and their families.. I bought a few very good books for research. I have maintained the same weight and clothing size for several months now (THANK GOD), but I haven’t lost anything significant as far as total weight goes.  It’s well known that I’d like to lose a little more or drop another size or two.  While I was putting together some sample menus and meal ideas for some clients, I evaluated my own “diet” and I realized that I was off balance there too!  I wasn’t taking in enough calories on a regular basis and then on some days I’d take in TOO MANY calories.  I changed my activity drastically, but not my eating habits.. or even sometimes fell back into a bad habit or two.    There are four points to a balanced life.. Physically. Mentally.  Emotionally.  Spiritually.  Though I may have wobbled a little.. I am placing one foot in front of the other on this tight rope and moving forward with ease.  I am so thankful for my family and friends for helping me out and supporting my dream.  I’d like to thank the “village” for helping me with my kids and those of you who helped me keep my balance no matter how wobbly!

On that note.. take some time out for you today.  What will it take for you to find your balance? ;)